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Where it started

It all started one winter evening 1988 when I discovered Deluxe paint 3 for Amiga 500.  I still remember the feeling of graphical magic capturing me. It opened a door into a world of possibilities, fantasy and imagination and since that evening I have always been fascinated by digital ways to express myself.  Cinema4d became later my graphical go to tool of choice  comfort and slowly over time i have built my skills in many areas related to digital art and now metaverse experiences.

Through the years I have done all kind of graphical projects and videos and designed everything from t-shirts, throw pillows and video presentation for a Chinese railroad minister on visit to northern Iceland.  All of these projects were done on a hobby bases and I really didn't pursued my artistic career.  It was more of a thing on the side.

But in 2016 I really started to spend more time on this and got really good as a texture artist developing ultra high quality resource pack for Minecraft. In 2021 I won an international award as a texture artist in a competition held by NVIDA and Planet Minecraft. In 2022 I started to learn to use Unreal engine 5 and combined with my Cinema4d skills, texture skills and artistic vision I am aiming at creating art experiences that will be different from the majority of art projects out there. Or at least that i what I want to try to accomplish.


The NFT universe and the metaverse is something that I am getting more involved with and my art experiences will both be available as NFT art on the Artrade platform but also for my Patreon followers and supporters.


As a digital artist I am always looking for ways to express myself in richer ways and add layers to the experience of my art.  I always wanted to "Be in my art" not just look at it from a static point of view.  That is why I want to add Metaverse experience to some of my creations and will be further exploring and adding ways to experience my art. 


This is what makes me different from the great majority of NFT artists and my art more desirable to own and invest in.

My art is now for sale on both Open Sea and Artrade.

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